Now now, don't get too excited. I'm not talking about FFXIV updates (although they will be coming soon as well), I'm talking about my blog! I've been having a lot of PC trouble recently, and my schedule has been really stupid and screwy. I hope to have things on track and do some catching up on a few articles/writeups and missed information. So stay tuned! I'm sorry to all my fans (let me humor myself...) who haven't gotten a update recently. Soon, soon I will add all the missed information, so stay tuned!
Monday, August 31, 2009
New Updates Coming Soon!
Posted by Endless Journey at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
GamesCom, Day 2: Rise of the Interviews.
Day two of GamesCom in Cologne Germany is underway, and with it so far is three new Interviews. Interview one done by FFXIVcore, Interview two done by JeuxOnline and Interview Three done by Dengaki Magazine.
Under each Interview I will right my own comments on what I think so far. As always, the italicized text is not that of my own.
A few things I would like to note that we've gathered so far is:
The FFXIV Demo at GamesCom is a Alpha version, confirmed to be a early Alpha Version at that. It's mainly there just to test some game play elements, to see the nice graphics, and fool around a bit. Square Enix themselves admitted much of what you might pick apart in the Demos are still under development (camera angles, combat speed, GUI, controls, etc).
It has been confirmed, that FFXIV will be "Seemless" meaning no zoning. I still think perhaps you might run into a zone or two going from a large region of zones to another, but they say no. So we'll see.
Currently, there is no plans to be able to let your character Jump, however there are plans to let them Swim, or Climb during certain scenarios and aspects of the game. So perhaps there will be certain scenarios, in like a quest or mission where you can jump too perhaps? Just not free jumping? We'll see.
They say they plan on having no EXP loss if you die, however there's a possibility they might make it where you do lose exp. But if this is the case, you will lose very little.
Anyways, here's the first interview done by FFXIV core. Enjoy.
First, thanks to everyone at Square Enix who met up with us at their business area at Gamescom. They were very nice and I have a great first impression of every single SE employee that I spoke with.
We entered a room with a big table (sort of a meeting room) and behind us there were a big LCD screen with the Final Fantasy XIV alpha on it. In the room there were a total of 5 SE employees. I visited together with the CEO from the Curse Network. Right now I don't have all the names, but they were all really cool to speak with and I have a whole new view of SE (not that it bad previously) after this meeting, they all seem very passionate about their games and FFXIV is a game that a lot of effort, energy and time has been invested into. That's for sure! I feel even more anxious to play the game now. Well for longer than 15 minutes that is.
Below we have the results of player asked questions from that was asked to Hiromichi Tanaka about FFXIV. Grab a cup of coffee or something nice, such as orange juice and please enjoy reading our exclusive interview with the producer of FFXIV himself.
In the alpha I wasn't able to jump, will there be jumping in FFXIV? And swimming? Maybe even climbing?
Its going to be the same as in FFXI. So currently there will be no jumping. If its necessary we might add swimming and climbing in the future.
What measures will be taken to combat RMT and botting?
We're going work hard on it, same as in FFXI with the task force. Also for example, at the moment we're trying to add a filter in FFXI to combat it on the spot, instead of waiting for a patch in order to combat the issues. It will be more flexible.
How will the story be told? Powerful story is an essential part of the FF-series, and as far as the producers have said it will be important in XIV as well.
Yes the story is defiantly very important for FF14. We will have high quality cutscenes with voiceovers and fx, please look forward to it.
There will also be voiceovers on mostly every character/npc in the game.
What will endgame be like? Special areas, NMs, etc.
Maybe not from the beginning, but when it comes to a good time we will be implementing some very challenging encounters, among other things. We will have a level cap at the beginning, when it will be unlocked in due time we will release great raid content. We've learned a lot from FFXI and realized what is too easy and too hard.
Exactly how much more casual will FF XIV be than FF XI? Is FF XIV designed to try to appeal to a new casual crowd and leave the hardcore group players in FF XI? Is FF XIV trying to attract both at the same time and try to become the first historical game that successfully combines hardcore and casual aspects?
The first question about the casual aspect. We will have a casual aspect, but we're not going to only target the casual players. Its really a users choice. We will be able to provide a variety of aspects to the game that casual players will enjoy but the hardcore players will enjoy it as well. And also for FFXI and FFXIV we aim to support both players, although FFXIV is using a new graphics engine, so we're providing current FFXI players with an option if they want to play FFXI of course that is fine, but they're also very welcome to play FFXIV.
Hiromichi Tanaka also says that it would be very nice if the players of other Final Fantasy games who never played FFXI would play FFXIV. So that is one of the goals.
So basically they're aiming at the Final Fantasy fans who haven't played MMO's due to having a casual aspect of FFXIV, but also at the same time giving the hardcore MMO players something to enjoy as well.
What about PVP?
We have the same stance on PVP as we had in FFXI, we're having a focus on PVE, but we may introduce some sort of sports-type that might be tied to PVP in the future. What we're worrying about is that we dont want to have any PK'ing or harassment types of activities in the game. So in order to provide a safe environment to everyone and a game to enjoy. So we're not focusing on PVP.
Pay to play or free to play?
The game will cost to play. There's a fee for 30 days each. Currently there are no other plans to offer other options.
No PlayOnline, can you elaborate on the new account features?
We will be using the SquareEnix ID, and also have a system that will be linked to that system.
Is there going to be instanced content?
Guild leaves itself is like instances. Other people will not be able to interfer with you. There will also be instanced raid content, its a type of guild leaves as well. But we cannot tell you how many players it will be yet however. There's also going to be many different types of guild leaves, if you want to play as a casual player it will be fine for instance.
Can you give more specific details about what things can we customize in character creation? I mean things like body size, how many faces will there be available?
Unfortunately we cannot show you the character creation screen yet, but you will be able to change things such as your ears, eyes, hair color, shape of your face. There will be lots of variety.
I'm curious about how advancing in your jobs works. Like will it be a FF Tactics style? Once you've mastered certain skills in a certain job, you unlock another?
It will be slightly different from Final Fantasy Tactics system. You will be gaining abilities by leveling up your skills, but, its not the same as Final Fantasy Tactics. So if you're having a high skill in something it doesnt mean the other one is going to be lower. if you grow in one skill and it gets high, you can still level up your other skills high.
And how will the 'levels' of the mobs work? Does the game have some kinda system in place to adjust mob difficulty based on character stats and current status of party?
Its not going to be changing depending on the players skills. Its fixed. So you get to chose yourself who or what you want to fight.
Auto-run/Auto-follow and Macros saved A LOT of time in FFXI. Could we expect these things (or improved/altered versions) in FFXIV?
Yes it will be in the game.
In FFXI, if you weren't fighting or crafting, there was definitely a lack of things to do. Could we expect more types of things to do in FFXIV? More mini-games, casino, card games like in FFVIII or FFIX, more in-depth gardening/fishing/etc. ?
Yes, we're planning several things so you can enjoy the game, for example the fishing you mention will be a class. But outside of the class system there will be other things to do. For example during FFXI players figured out a way to invent a new game by using the existing system. So that's going to be interesting, we'd like to do that for FFXIV as well. So we're looking forward to what the players will do with our system there.
There were many Summons in FFXI, but for an online world, I never felt there were enough. What Summons can we expect to see in FFXIV and will there be more variety than in FFXI?
We can't really mention which summons will be in. But what we can say is that some is going to be really important in the storyline. It's not going to be included in the game like FFXI. At the moment we don't really have a class, a pet class / summoner. Not at the moment at least. So it will be implemented in the game in a different way. Please check back with us in the future.
Will there be Samuari's in the game, what about the free roaming? What about the freedom in the world, exploration?
We won't have the samuari as a job, because we don't have a job system. And we don't have a class like the Samuari. But it depends on how you're going to select your skills and developing your character. So when you reach a certain skill and/or gain certain skills, you will have a title for yourself. It may be Samuari or may not be - we cannot tell you that yet. So please look for an announacement in the future.
How large will the in-game world of Eorzea be in comparison to the in-game world of Vana'Diel? As in actual space the characters may move around in.
We can't really compare to the current world of Vana'Diel since it's been expanding a lot. But if we compare to the original Vana'Diel, this time it may be the same or slightly smaller, however as you can see there will be a much more detailed world, in terms of graphics and content. So it's unlikely you will notice that it might be slightly smaller than the original Vana'Diel world.
One thing to note is that FFXI used its own system, this time Final Fantasy XIV is going to be seamless. No zoning! Just like in World of Warcraft.
You'll be able to walk from the city to the battlefield without any zoning.
Is the Economic situation of FFXIV going to be mainly player based with Auction Houses or non-player based with NPC ran stores?
We can't go into details about this just yet. We're very sorry about that. This question is better suited to be asked in a couple of months time. However, it's going to be not the same as with auctionhouses, but something very interesting.
Also, this time the weapons are going to be worn out, a durability system. So you will have to repair them and it will cost money.
When is the beta? Any more info?
We dont have any specific time at the moment. But this current version here at Gamescom is an alpha version. And before we start the beta we're going to have another version, a developer version, this time we're concentrating on guild leaves, next time we're going to be concentrating on something else. When it's ready we'll start the beta version. And of course since we're going to launch the game in 2010 it should before that... so. The beta is not going to be in the far future *laughs* We want to do it as soon as possible.
In World of Warcraft, you can now pay a very small fee of in game currency at a Barber Shop and change the face, hairstyle, facial hair, and hair color. Will we see this in FFXIV?
At the moment we're not thinking about it. If we have a lot of requests from the players it might get added at a later time. Not at the launch time at least. In the future perhaps. Also we don't think changing the skin color or face shape is going to be added at all. But maybe hair color.
Can we expect exp loss?
We're still adjusting and discussing this. It may or may not be an exp-loss when you die in FFXIV. But it will be a lot less than it's in FFXI. However, as said we might not include an exp loss at all in FFXIV. In the alpha version we have exp loss currently, but this is still being adjusted, since it's an alpha version. So it's not decided on.
Is the characters we played in the alpha version yesterday buffed?
[They all start out and laugh then proceeds to say]: yes, they're very buffed.
Will the class/job system go into more depth and branch out into different combinations. Or is a wider variety of jobs not yet released and still currently in development?
It's not a job system anymore. We call it classes now. It depends on what weapon you use. And again, we're calling it a class system in FFXIV this time, so it's not a job system. This new system will allow for a lot flexibility, and also because you can switch weapons between the battles (not during battles) this is giving you much more variety. Although this is not something super new in the history of MMO's, we've seen it before in games like Ultima Online and Meridian 59 (editors note).
[We're now at the end of our 45 minutes time with Hiromichi Tanaka and we get told there's only space to ask one more question, I show them all the questions I have left and we all laugh, because there's lots left to still ask, however we're offered to ask them through email, so expect more information to go up in awhile from now]
Will the Linkshell system still be called "Linkshell"?
We can't go into details on that just yet, but it's not going to be called Linkshell anymore. However, it's going to be something very interesting. You'll be able to join a kind of organization, but we can't say more on that right now, you'll be able to have different aims and focuses. It'll be very interesting.
System Requirements?
We're not done with analyzing this just yet, but it's going to be fairly high since FFXIV is going to be on HD on Playstation 3.
Here is the second interview. Please note it is done in French, by JeuxOnline. The translation was done by Google, so it is not perfect. The original source can be found here.
Today was a busy day for reporters JeuxOnLine to GamesCom Cologne. Having had the opportunity to be among the first to test the alpha version presented at the booth of Square Enix public, they would have the opportunity to attend an interview with some of the operations team of the game .
After a fantastic ride worthy of the fastest local Valkyries that we managed to achieve with the five minutes required to advance the Square Enix booth at the Business Center. White everywhere, the names on each door that are all more than dream about door neighbor: Final Fantasy XIII, Dissidia, My Life as a Darklord, but Final Fantasy XIV, the main object of our curiosity today.
The hosts welcome us with plenty of proposals varied (no, not indecent, perverse band) pretzels and drinks, making us wait until the last interview ends. The rigor of the editor is legendary, it was clearly demonstrated once again on this occasion: one minute after the scheduled time, all the journalists present had bent poles and tripods to clear up at the next session.
Because yes, there were sessions. Only with the team at Square Enix in the lounge where the presentation took place, we fantasies to the idea of having, why not, the opportunity to meet with face to face, but it was not the case, because we were quickly joined by a large handful of journalists from different backgrounds and different media (press, web TV, photography) ...
So in this patchwork team that we have somehow tried to ask some of your questions to Mr. Hiromichi Tanaka, producer of the game, and Mr. Sage Sundi, producer in charge of the division line thanks to the translation provided by Saori Vivien Hill, manager of community.
M. Tanaka et M.Sundi
The image date, but they have not changed ...
Most journalists want to know more about the origins of the project on the relationship between Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV and on the gaming experience that this new film would bring to the player.
Both speakers were keen to stress the need to really consider this new episode as the result of almost eight years of work and experience about Final Fantasy XI, which, if served as a working basis, will ultimately delivered a completely different album in its history as in its Thursday mechanisms proposed by experience Final Fantasy XIV is much more immersive for the player: the main frame of the game is announced as even more epic than its predecessor, with elements such as voice recorded for most of the NPCs in the world Eorza to make more interactive quests and trade. The game has been thought, according to Mr. Tanaka, to cover a much wider audience than Final Fantasy XI, an audience as many neophytes as aficionados of the series.
Some of our present, specializing in console gaming lounge, then wanted to talk about the choice of media announced to date for Final Fantasy XIV.
Over the issues, both recalled that if the game had been announced as exclusive to the Playstation 3 in the living room consoles, negotiations were still ongoing with Microsoft to see the game on XBOX 360 adapted. When asked to justify this choice, we said that the PS3 and PC environments are actually very close and that the Xbox Live console to Microsoft is the element that would be problematic at present. In reflection, we can legitimately ask whether this problem would not be for example related to the fact that the purchases on the Playstation Network to be paid exclusively in the realm expèces and tripping when Microsoft until a few days ago proposed purchases almost exclusively via Microsoft Points purchased primarily on the site of the operator.
Faced with the concerns of players on the console to ease the grip of the game with a pad (the alpha version is playable on PC), the tone is reassuring: this game is obviously provided for console but also for PC and will be especially designed to offer a more intuitive handling of.
Address the choice of partners and platforms has allowed us to initiate the discussion on the choices and the current position of Square Enix in relation to the production of MMORPG and its competition. When you have the opportunity to do interviews in groups as diverse as that in which we were, you have every chance of hitting a person who is not specialized in the MMORPG that will eventually ask a question now traditional and World of Warcraft in? In big smile displayed by both players, it was clear that this was not the first time we asked them and they were prepared to say WoW is certainly the biggest players on MMORPGs PC and is a fierce competitor, but until proven otherwise, Final Fantasy XI is and will remain some time on the main console and MMORPG is the way to a heavyweight.
When we relaunch this hegemony salon, trying to figure out what could explain the lack of success and the rarity of their competitors, we said that development costs are very different and much higher in the context of a game multi-platform and that the studios that can cope with these expenses are not very numerous. The move from PC to console is a highly expensive if the goal is an adaptation as faithful as possible to the minutes of the PC version and the publisher must have good financial resources to cope with managing multiple development teams or fitness for a single Thursday
Both speak to finance, another journalist with reviving an issue that may seem the most unexpected but has been important to consider at length the two interlocutors: Will we one day next online Final Fantasy style games currently available free with an online store for example? The final answer was that it was obviously an option but at present it did not coincide with the goals for the Final Fantasy Online. Indeed, the public current F2P they are too different from the usual public license and may have a negative impact on the game more, the idea to provide a free client on the Internet seemed more daunting otherwise: is it related to the fact that a numerical balance in units sold is more rewarding and a representative number of downloads? We do not know ...
But we could also ask questions about what might interest you most, you, readers of JeuxOnLine. We had asked you what area you puzzled most and you replied majority system evolution.
We landed at one of our tours to speak the question that burns the lips of everyone: how to walk but the Armory System? Unfortunately, as you might expect, as Mr. Tanaka Mr. Sundi have kicked into touch on this question by saying he could not reveal more at the moment: the only thing we agreed to tell us is that we could change jobs at will between the fighting in changing equipment.
But tough, we have not released the song and tried to learn a little more about how the game The game will be based on a main quest very difficult accompanying quests obtained through "Guildleves which enable everyone to find the pleasure that research, whether on a Thursday session of short (less than fifteen minutes) or much longer. We thus confirm that the game will be much more oriented towards the casual players that could not be Final Fantasy XI, being much more flexible. It is no longer questions of power of the character: everything is a matter of competence and an avatar will be together, whether played by an experienced player or a beginner, according to the skills he can bring to his group. Square offers the possibility of abolishing the barrier that separates the largest ships of more casual players.
Traumatized by the echoes that we had some challenges (such as Pandemonium, for example) proposed by Final Fantasy XI, we sought to learn more about balancing monsters for Final Fantasy XIV: there will always be monsters providing intense fighting at all adventurers who face but for all levels of mastery of the characters, from lowest to highest. But again, it will take a little longer to learn more.
Seeing that the content of the game it might not be unveiled, we chose to address another aspect that concerns us directly: that communities and their management. All questions that were asked by our équpe, which has somewhat monopolized the late trade to satisfy your thirst for information.
As noted in the article about the alpha version, it was more surprised by a company such as Square Enix, usually known for its cult of secrecy, to unveil a version of the game too early, especially an event on the importance of GamesCom. We have therefore asked whether this was a new direction of communication from the editor: we were told it was in fact a choice of the team, wanted, unlike the strategy for Final Fantasy XI, receive and react to player feedback from the early stages of final development. A decision that no player will not regret, we can be sure.
Always about identity, then we wanted to know what elements are available for players to enjoy the first M in MMO game that wanted a little more oriented casual games. We announced an overhaul of the system Linkshell, which will be a little further to create groups and the provision of online tools to help players by centralizing information about the social aspect of the life of FF XIV.
One of the important areas of community management by Square Enix and an important element in the section dedicated to JeuxOnLine Final Fantasy XIV is the status of a partner site of Square Enix, the famed Premier Website for Final Fantasy XI. It is with pleasure that we can tell you that this system should be extended for this opus, but in a form different from that you could know until now. Nothing is yet done, they begin to think about the statutes of these sites: the road is still long for our section, but we can assure you that we will do everything to get this status.
Status of one of the first attributes could be to host a calendar of events organized by the operators of community and / or the community itself! Indeed, this has emerged as one of the first real news community Having long tried to put in place for Final Fantasy XI, in vain, it seems to be a real goal for their teams this time. Reste à savoir si ce projet n'en restera pas un cette fois-ci. Remains whether this project will not do this time.
But time passes at a crazy speed, when the exchange is exciting and the half hour we were given to us like a flame of a match: deep, intense, but very fleeting. We went out this interview with a taste of unfinished disappointed not to have got more information, or in any case, more crispy or stunning revelations. But it was already a great mark of recognition of the work done by teams of FF XI and FFXIV so far as to give us this interview, what we intend to continue to satisfy you the best!
I congratulate those who arrived at the end of this street.
And now the third interview. I'm not sure who translated this, but I believe it was done by Maruchiru on Zam. So credit to the deserving, and if I did not give credit where it was do please forgive me. The original source can be found here. I might also put up an exact translation when one becomes available.
・At this moment, 40-50% completion.
・The graphic quality will be tune up even more. You can see each tree very clearly even they are very far away.
・macro feature will be added.
・UI layout can be movable by players themselves.
・The smile Icon is emote function.
・Those icons below the screen are called action command.
・You can set abilities that you had on those action command.
・Once you select the command, it will show on one of the 2 gauge in the middle of your screen. Each gauge represent left and right hand.
For example, your left hand equipped with a shield, so those shield related command will be appeared on the left hand gauge.
・When the action gauge reached, the command that you set, will be cast.
・There will be a power gauge too, the more it gains, the higher your accuracy and skill power will be.
・TP gauge will effect what kind of skill you can cast too. So gaining TP will be also very important during battle.
・TP will be gained by getting hit, or hit the monster.
・The action command will be change depends on your weapon. If you put on rod or staff , it will be magic related action.
・Action command will only have 10 slots. You are able to customize those.
・The bag mark icon is item bag.
・Players are not be allow to use emote during battle.
・3 kind of camera style : 3 person view, should view, and first person view.
・Players are able to pull up their weapon even not in engage mode.
・Quest mob location will be show on your map.
・Those puks wont be appear before you finished the dodo.
・There will be a development version before beta test. The image will be like a focus group thing.
Some speculation, according to the famitsu screenshot, the mob's name is in Japanese, so some people is guessing it will be a language base server.
By the way, the mob's name in Japanese version of FF11 is in English.
There's not much left for me to say that isn't simply raw speculation or that you folks cannot figure out for yourselves. So much information, so many exciting announcements, and so many great new features! And this all still being simply in Alpha! Once again, my only concerns so far is the camera system and the control system. But once again, being in Alpha stage, I expect to see everyone made happy in FFXIV!
Stay tuned for more information!
Posted by Endless Journey at 6:45 AM 0 comments
New Pictures from Dengaki!
Some new pictures just came in from Dengaki Magazine of Japan. Not a whole lot of information is said, so I will link you directly to the source for these images. Credit goes to Dengaki Magazine. I do not own these pictures, they are property of Dengaki Magazine and Square Enix co, LTD.
With these pictures, we get a whole new look at the world of Eorzea!
Posted by Endless Journey at 6:17 AM 0 comments
GamesCom, Day 1: Videos Galore & More!
Augest 19th 2009, the opening day of GamesCom video game conference and trade show in Cologne Germany. And with it brought a swell of new information on FFXIV. The most exciting of which, would be something that no one even expected. Playable Demo's! That's right, they had demo's setup for certain privileged to partake in. With this, came several video's showing the game play elements and aspects of FFXIV. Now, keep in mind, Square Enix admitted themselves this is the "Alpha" version of the game, so not everything will be perfect (camera angles, certain animations, GUI, etc).
There were not only videos but pictures as well, released from GamesCom. Below are the videos, and below them will be the pictures with a personal writeup on my thoughts about them.
I take no credit for these videos. These videos have been provided by 1up and GameTrailers. All rights are reserved to them, and of course, all pictures and videos shown here are reserved rights of Square Enix, co, LTD. The pictures have come from varying sources, one of which is FFXIVcore. If there are any parties I am missing, please forgive my lack of credit being given.
Video #1:
Video #2
Video #3: (Character Emote Animations)
Video #4:
There is also a 5th video done by Dengaki Magazine, which can be found here. Unfortunately, there is no option to embed it, so you'll have to go to that address yourself. It is worth it though, as it shows how amazingly realistic the weather effects will be in FFXIV.
So, what do these video's tell us? So much, yet so little. Once again, these are videos of the game in Alpha Production, which isn't even in Beta Production. I've heard rumors that this is even a old Alpha at that and there are many changes that have already been made. So let's go off what we know?
The graphics are simply beautiful and stunning, no one can deny that. The world itself looks very beautiful, and has such a rich sense to it. The character animations seem to look very "Alpha" to me, as you can see missing frames here and there, as well as the actions being very clunky. Things like remaining engaged, and the movements seeming choppy. Even at that, take note of the detail the characters take when they change direction, come to a stop, or start to move. Very realistic indeed!
As far as the background music goes, which you care barely even hear, it's hard to say if it's more "Alpha" or if it's the finished product. If I had to guess, I would say it doesn't really sound like the Music Director, Nobou Uemetsu's work.
The GUI (User Interface) seems pretty nice to me, although Square Enix told everyone to take note, that it was not the final product, and that it would be more streamlined when the game was actually released (or perhaps in Beta).
One of the biggest concerns is about the attack speed. When asked about this, Square Enix commented that the game would revolve more on using many skills, than simply engaging and auto attacking, although it is guessed that the auto attack speed won't be much slower than FFXI, but this is just speculation and going off of what they have said concerning Alpha.
But before we go on further, and I end up jabbering off all day, let's take a look at some exclusive pictures. If I'm not mistaken these were taken by Kyuu of FFXIVcore.

Here we see a few small pictures of the new world of Eorzea. Hard to focus in on, but it's a nice little teaser.

Compass Information: Tip: use the compass during your quest to find the squirrels. The squirrels appear at point A. When there's one squirrel left, it's fleeling to point B, so chase the squirrel to point B!

Gladiator information:
Attached Image
1st: Swordslash: Powerfull Attack
2nd: Swordslash: Precise (meaning of Accuracy) Attack
3rd: Shield Block: damage Minimizing
4th (red one): Ranged Attack: Great Distance
5th: Provoking: Distraction
6th (red): roundabout slash: AOE damage
7th (red) Red Lotus: huge damage

So far, the jobs shown, from left to right are confirmed to be:
Master of the Great Axe, Master of the Bow, Master of the Fist, and Tailor.
The exact translations are not completely sure, but from what I've heard and deduced these are the correct names. But don't hold me to it!
It seems the folks at FFXIVcore were able to compile a quick list of things they found out at GamesCom on Day one, here is that list of what we know so far, as well as some elements Kyuu from FFXIVcore was able to deduce from playing a quick trial of the game.
* Currently you can't jump, but a developer told me they are considering to add it
* I wasn't able to find water just yet, so not sure if you can swim
* I will have an interview up tomorrow Thursday
* The combat system is interesting, reminds you of FFXI, you select a target with TAB, then take up your weapon with F and X locks on it. Then use the numbers from your hotbars to use abilities. The first two abilities I had generated combat points to use the AOE attacks etc, I'll get back on what class I played later
* Game is polished, very smooth combat and performance
* It was played on a PC (I think), with mouse and keyboard
* I did a kill mob quest, kill 6 peacock-like creatures, they were very easy to kill
* Square Enix points out several times that the game is in alpha, so keep this in mind. For being in alpha, the game has come very far and I'm quite impressed. Check back for a write up later.
* I tried running off further on the map and met many invisible walls.
* You could move around using WSAD
So, my current thoughts in summary is this:
I'm a bit worried about the control system. I do not like absolutely having to use a keyboard + mouse for control. In FFXI you could do everything in the game perfectly efficient without ever touching the mouse. If the option is there for people, that is good, but I hope we are not forced to constantly use the mouse.
Another thing that concerns me, is the camera angle. In FFXI it follows you in a very natural way. If you are indeed using a keyboard + mouse, having to adjust the camera angle at the same time could get very tiresome.
But, keep in mind, this is just a Alpha version of the game. Square Enix keeps telling people at GamesCom that this is not the complete product, and there will still be changes made. So here's hoping!
Stay tuned for more info everyone!
Posted by Endless Journey at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
FFXIV at Gamescom 2009!
FFXIV and Square Enix will be making their appearances at Gamescom in Cologne Germany. a European gaming expo. There's said to be new information released there, so I'm very excited to hear about what comes out of this. I myself am in the United States so I will not be able to attend, but I hope to get information as quickly as possible as it's released. Here's hoping Square Enix gives out some good tidbits of info for us to speculate on, perhaps even a Beta date? Who knows.
Be sure to keep an eye out August 19-22nd for the new information.
If you are interested in visiting Gamescom, or would like more information, please visit their official website here.
Posted by Endless Journey at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
New Info on FFXIV Main Site!!!
Hello everyone! Not even a day after the exciting news was posted in Famitsu Magazine, we get a whole new load of information on The Official FFXIV Site itself! New info regarding the races of Eorzea, the classes of Eorzea, the three main cities of Eorzea, the story behind Eorzea and the races, as well as information on the Armory System, the Guild Leves System, and even the mysterious Aetheryte crystal system.
We've also gotten some new official clarification on the names used in FFXIV, as well as some clarification on some other things as well. A few key spellings that have finally be officially released though:
Hydaelyn (The world in which Eorzea resides. Known till now as "Hiderin")
Aldenard (The Region of Eorzea and it's Surrounding Islands)
Limsa Lominsa (One of the Three Main Cities, the city by the sea)
Gridania (One of the Three Main Cities, the city in the forrest)
Ul'Dah (One of the Three Main Cities, the city in the desert)
Hyur (The Hume Race)
Miqo'Te (The Mithra Race)
Roegadyn (The Galka Race)
Elezen (The Elvaan Race)
Lalafell (The Tarutaru Race)
For Thorough Information I want everyone to please visit the Official FFXIV Site.
That being said, lets go over some of the information we've just gathered, shall we?
[Disclaimer: I do not own any of these images or articles. All images belong to Square Enix Co., LTD. As well as many of the articles. Some other articles may be fan made from third party sites]
"Such a marvel is proof not only that the gods exist, but that they love, and that profoundly." - Explorer and Mapmaker, Orrick Ballard.
Final Fantasy XIV takes the first intrepid steps into an unknown realm, and in doing so a new place for adventurers of all creeds to call home is born-Eorzea.
In the world of Hydaelyn, the term Eorzea denotes the geographical region comprised of the continent of Aldenard, and it's surrounding islands, as well as the civilization which spawned there.
Calling the area home are several independent city-states, the most notable being Limsa Lominsa, bustling port and pirate hub; Ul'Dah, a desert city rich in mineral wealth; Gradania, nested with within an ageless wood; and Ishgard, bastion atop the mountains.
Throughout the realm can be found climates both harsh and mild, as diverse as the skies are vast. Bleak, desolate landscapes stretch to uncharted horizons, their uninviting expanses yet to be traversed. Colossal monstrosities stalk the land, as if mountains primeval had somehow stirred and risen. Of all things Eorzea may be said to be, hospitable is not amoung them.
In the past, the city-states battled tirelessly, vying for domination and hegemony. Death-mongering beast tribes molested the land unchecked, leaving only destruction in their wake. Unseen enemies lurked beyond the borders, striking at the slightest provocation or show of weakness. The history of Eorzea is a tapestry woven of war and strife, stained with the blood of those gone before, and the tears and ash of fallen endeavor.
And yet the love the gods bear this unforgiving land endures, now and always. What is the allure of this seemingly forsaken place? With what hope and to what end do would-be inhabitants journey here to live out their days?
The answer lies with that which gives form to Hydaelyn and all myriad creation in it-crystals. The cornerstone of all things, it is these crystallized manifestations of the aether that beckon the people to come, risking all in the undertaking.
And so it is, that adventurers too have harkened the call-to bear witness to the epic set to unfold in this land. This Eorzea.
The Story.
The Age of Adventure
Men are wont to suffer
And forget wherein they've sinned
Ne'er bearkening back on tragedies past
Lest the Twelve might humble them
- Unknown
Countless moons have waxed and waned since wandering tribes from across Hydaelyn first arrived in Eorzea and settled its untamed lands. The benevolent deities who ruled the empty continent and its surrounding islands were impressed with the resilience of these primitive men and women, and in an act of mercy each saw fit to ensure their welfare.
These gods and goddesses soon came to be known as the Twelve, and the villages thrived in their light until the land was bespeckled with several independent city-states. Though, where man walks, strife follows, and for generations, these tiny nations carved out a history of blood and betrayal built upon broken oaths and the sun-bleached bones of the fallen.
However, the fate of the land would soon change. Not fifteen years past, a new threat appeared without warning from the east. Metal-clad warriors brandishing weapons that spewed streams of fire, fleets of behemoth airships belching oily smoke that would block out the sun for days at a time...
A resistance was amassed, but to little avail, and it was not long before Ala Mhigo, once considered the most powerful of the remaining six Eorzean city-states, had fallen to the mighty Garlean Empire.
As the empire's dreadnaughts continued their march of terror across the blood-soaked fields of the north, the remaining nations put aside their differences and clandestinely joined hands to form a loose alliance to ensure they not meet the same fate, should the invaders turn theirs eyes southward.
Fortunately, the invasion never came, and just as quickly as it had arrived, the empire was gone again.
However, echoes of their grim message ran clear in the hearts of Eorzea's people - its effect on them, profound and irreversible. The realm would never be the same.
And it was thus that Eorzea slipped into the "Age of Calm", during which an uneasy peace prevailed.
To prepare for the coming storm, the first task of the newly-formed alliance was to fortify their defenses. In the previous era, few city-states maintained organized militaries, opting instead to hire the services of mercenaries and hedge knights to champion their causes. However, after the fall of Ala Mhigo, city guard units were restructured into legitimate standing armies which could be quickly called upon and mobilized if the need arose.
Unfortunately, this left a majority of the realm's hireswords with nowhere to pledge their fealty, and with their livelihood ripped out from under them, many of these men and women resorted to acts of villainy to survive. For fear of the situation worsening and the land falling into chaos, several respected leaders from around Eorzea gathered together, and formed a network of guilds to provide these lost souls with the opportunity to redeem themselves by aiding others.
Through the foresight and resolve of these leaders a new industry known as "adventuring" emerged, its advent helping usher in the current era - an era of hope in a time when the shadows of uncertainty loom ever closer.
The Armoury.
"To discern the true nature of man, one need look no further than the palm of his hand." - from The Treatise on the Principles of Self-Actualization, Rhylsygg Bhirlonsyn
The Armoury System is one of the foundations of the FINAL FANTASY XIV experience, simultaneously being both the impetus behind character development and a key factor in determining individual gameplay.
By merely equipping any of a variety of weapons or tools, players can instantly change their active skills, thus enabling them to dramatically alter their style of play as well as their character's outward appearance. To take an example, let us follow a day in the life of Leeroy.
A New Beginning
Leeroy recently chose to begin the journey down the path of Gladiator, trying his hand at the age-old art of swordplay for the first time. Even today, he woke at dawn to spend the daylight hours drilling relentlessly on the tiny wildlife just outside of town. Alas, opportunities often present themselves when least expected...
An Unheralded Invitation
Without prior notice, some friends invite Leeroy to partake in an expedition to some nearby ruins. Upon joining their ranks, however, he observes that the other party members are seasoned warriors and accomplished mages all. Dismayed yet not given to despair, Leeroy sheathes his sword and takes up his well-worn staff, assuming the role of Thaumaturge, his most advanced class. He bids farewell to the rodents and worms and races to meet his companions, basking in the confident light of his spellcasting abilities.
Disbanding Party
The party members go their separate ways following a successful outing, and while following the river back to town Leeroy is suddenly taken by the urge to fish. He secures his staff to his back in a deft, practiced motion, and on the recoil pulls out his beloved fishing rod. The gladiator and thaumaturge are now gone, and all that remains is Leeroy the fisherman. Three shining trout! Not a bad haul.
A Leeroy of All Trades
Upon arriving home, Leeroy puts aside his fishing rod and takes up his trusty hammer, blacksmithery having ever been one of his passions. He knows, as does any adventurer, that preparation is the key to any battle, and so sets to working the dents out of his armor and sharpening the edge of his blade. It's all in a day's work.
This is but a mere sample of what players can expect from the Armoury. With flexibility of gameplay and effective use of time at its core, the system is designed with emphasis on not only the in-game lifestyles of characters, but those of the players themselves as well. The Armoury awaits you!
"Every soul must needs have a code, a purpose, to guide them. Else chaos would consume us all." - from The Determination of Being, Guillaurmand de Padellaint
In general, there is a fourfold classification of adventurers based on the disciplinary paths to which they devote themselves:
Disciples of War: Masters of arms who live for the call of combat. Disciples of Magic: Erudite researchers of all this esoteric. Disciples of the Land: Gatherers of material resources and students of the natural order. Disciples of the Hand: Crafters who invest their creative ingenuity in synthesis and industry.
Players may opt to specialize in one discipline, excelling in a single skill, or they may take a more general approach, making free use of the Armoury. The choice is yours.
"Whither doth a man walk if another taketh the road from under his feet?" - Pandelion Brontard at the 14th Meeting of the Allied Council of Eorzean Nations.
Guildleves are small, rectangular plates made of stained crystal set into a frame of precious metal, each depicting a virtuous deed of one of Eorzea's patron saints, also known as "guardians." When issuing tasks or quests, guilds will often provide adventurers with these plates, allowing their bearers "leave" to take whatever steps necessary to complete the jobs, including entry into normally restricted areas, hunting or harvest on private lands, the confiscation of goods, even negotiations with those considered enemies of the city-states. Guildleves also grand use of Aethertye Portals, ensuing quick travel about the region.
Upon assessing an adventurer's skills, a guildmaster will provide a selection of several different leves, taken from the guild's stock. After weighting risks against rewards, fame against fortune, adventurers may then select the leves that they feel best suit their needs.
Of course, there are no regulations stating that the tasks must be completed alone. Adventurers are free to call on their companions to join them, as only one leve is required to take advantage of the benefits and privileges provided to its bearer. By coordinating the leves of multiple party members, adventurers can even plan grand campaigns built around several different quests.
Whether you have an hour or a whole day, are alone or with friends, seeking battle or bounty, guildleves give you the avility to forge your own adventures. The possibilities are endless!
Portrays the scene of Saint Daniffen and the Basilisk. Muster the courage to stand against those who would threaten the weak.
Portrays the scene of Saint Tother the Ratcatcher. Earn the gratitude of your peers by humbly accepting the tasks that others shun, and working earnestly to complete them.
Portrays the scene of Saint Moergynn and the Edgeless Blade. Focus your passion upon a single task, wielding your talents to aid those in need.
Aetheryte is the name given to massive shards of crystallized aetheric mist, precisely cut and fused to arcane machinery. While it is not known when or by whom these devices were originally constructed, their teleportational qualities have become the backbone of everyday transportation throughout the realm, with most managed and operated by individual city-states.
Though the exact mechanism behind teleportation via aetheryte is still largely a mystery, one theory states that when a sentient being approaches one of the portals, the aether that makes up its body resonates with the aether of the crystals, which in turn results in a complete breakdown of the being's mass, allowing it to temporarily return to the invisible aetheric streams that course throughout the planet.
The being's soul, which cannot be broken down, then guides the particles to a pre-determined destination, and upon arrival, the corresponding aetheryte receptacle reconfigures the mist back into its original form. This whole process takes only a matter of moments, allowing for nearly instant transportation to faraway desitinations.
However, being broken down to the aetheric level can take its toll on one's body, and rest is often required after several consecutive jumps, especially if the distance becomes greater. As a precaution, most city-states strongly discourage over-teleporting, as it can lead to irreversible damage.
The Three Main Cities.
Not a lot of info has been posted as of yet about the three main cities. But we have some things to go off of. It seems as though the three main cities are the three starter cities. There is Ul'Dah located in the desert, Gridania located in the forest, and Limsa Lominsa located near the sea. The site, and several articles have mentioned though, that these will not be the only three main cities. There has been mention of two other cities so far as well. "Ishgard" which rests atop the mountains, and Ala Mhigo, which seems to have once been the largest city, or the capital.
The information goes on to explain that there are many vast regions outside of Eorzea, including their own city-states as well. From what I gather I would say that Ishgard is probably FFXIV's version of Jeuno. A central hub. As for Ala Mhigo, it could be one of several things. It could be a end game area, a end game hub, ruins, or some where you only visit in stories. You might not even visit it, as such with Tavnazia in FFXI.
As of now, not much is known of Ul'Dah or Gridania. But we did get a bit of info on Limsa Lominsa, I'll quote the information on Limsa Lominsa directly from the official site.
Limsa Lominsa is located off the southern coast of the island of Vylbrand, under the shadow of ancient cliffs craved by the relentless Rhotano Sea. The city is actually placed on many different islands or sea stacks. Bridge span across each island that and earned its name "The Navigator's Veil" which bard describe what they had witnessed from afar. Llymlaen is the goddess that is said to have blessed Limsa Lominsa because she took pity on the sailors of a great armada that had to flee from battle. The rocks destroyed their ships and with no way to get anywhere and no home to go to they settled in the islands using the vessels that they had to begin construction. The people of Limsa Lominsa did not forget their old ways, but mearly gathered strenghth to rebuild and adventure out again. This lead their influnce spreading throughout the seas and began rulling the 5 seas of Eorzea. This legends formed the backbone of their society and their leader is referred to as Admiral.
The shipping industry is key to Limsa Lominsa financial success. Knights of the Barracuda secure the safety of mariners and ensure the safety and reliability of shipping route's. However, piracy, reaving and pillaging still runs rampant and other nations believe that the Knights of the Barracuda are actually working with local bandit pirates and make profit off unwary travelers.
The Races.
I don't have much to comment on this as of now, aside from what I have already said, aside from a few silly puns Square Enix made. So I will just quote the official site on the descriptions of each race.
The Hyur (Hume)
Boasting the largest population in Eorzea, the Hyur came from neighboring continents and islands in three great migratory waves. With them they brought a sophisticated technology and complex ethos tempered by the breadth of the outside world. They rapidly became a driving force behind cultural progress, and are now widely attributed with spearheading advances in Eorzean civilization.
One of the Hyur's strengths is in the staggering variety of the languages and social institutions they exhibit. This is said to account for their firm conviction in individual freedoms, though it also results in a relative lack of solidarity and group cohesion.
Two distinct groups now exist amoung the Hyur-Highlanders, denizens of mountainous areas, and Midlanders, who reside in the lower elevations.
The Elezen (Elvaan)
The Elezen are a traditionally nomadic people who in their former times claimed the sole dominion over Eorzea, their prescence predating that of the other races. Believing this prominence to be ordained by the gods, they came to develop an steemed sense of honor and pride.
Their characteristically tall, slim physiques and elongated limbs are part of a successful adaptation to the land's various environments. Indeed, it is daid their highly sensitive ears can discern the squeak of a field mouse at a distance of up to several malms.
The Elezen perceived the immigration of the Hyur as a tantamount to invasion, and as a result the two share a past plagued by warfare. At present, however, they can be seen coexisting peacefully, the exception being the reclusive Duskwight Elezen.
The Lalafell (Tarutaru)
The Lalafell were originally a group of agriculturalists inhabiting the fertile islands of the south seas. With the introduction of transmarine commerce, they soon found their way to Eorzea via trade routes. They are now one of the more populous races and are well established throughout the region, though they remain averse to cold climates.
The short, rotund builds of the Lalafell belie an incredible agility, and their seemingly feeble legs are capable of carrying them long distances over any terrain. Many amoung them are also known for possessing highly developed and cunning intellects.
The Lalafell place a great deal of significance on familial bonds, but are by no means unfriendly to outsiders. This is evidenced by the fact that they continue to share the prosperous relations with all of the other races of Eorzea.
The Roegadyn (Galka)
The Roegadyn are maritime people whose largest concentrations are found in the northern seas, by way of which they came to Eorzea.
They possess enormous, muscular builds and are known for the cultural emphasis they place on competition and unflinching courage, though tender, introspective individuals can also be found.
Roegadyn in and around the Limsa Lominsa area are typically seamen putting in at port, but many have also settled permanently, becoming mercenaries, bodyguards, or even pirates by trade. Far away, deep in the mountains of Ul'Dah, love mountain clans of reclusive Roegadyn known as the Hellsguard, said to have mastered the magical arts.
The Miqo'Te (Mithra)
During the age of Endless Frost, as the seas turned to ice and passage over them became possible, Eorzea saw an influx of foreign fauna to her shores. This in turn brought the hunting tribes which subsited upon them, the modern descendants of whom are today known as the Miqo'Te.
Since then, the Miqo'Te have diverged into two physically distinguishable groups--the diurnal Seekers of the Sun and the nocturnal Keepers of the Moon. Both groups share a superb oldfactory sense and powerful leg musculature, results of a long evolution geared towards hunting and predation.
Comparatively few in number, they maintain an insular group mentality, tending to avoid contact with the other races. Many individuals lead isolated lifestyles, even when residing in the more populous cities.
Posted by Endless Journey at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
New Info from Famitsu Magazine in Japan!
Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've made a post in my blog. There has not been a lot of info, well, none released since my last post. There has been plenty of reposting of information, retranslations, and what have you, but the information has been at a stand still. That is, until just recently. The September issue of Famitsu magazine in Japan came out, with a whopping 9 pages of information on FFXIV, as well as new pictures, and lots of new things to speculate about!
I'm going to post as much info on here as I can, but before I do I want to add a few disclaimers. There is a LOT of information circulating right now, on a lot of different sites. From my understanding, many different people have done translations and write-ups on this information. I am not exactly sure who to give credit to and unless a solid source is provided to me, proving a particular source was responsible for the translation I am using, the best I can do is to simply say; The Articles Below in Italics are written by third parties other than myself. I take no credit for them, and am simply reposting information. As a disclaimer, many of these write-ups in Italics are not mine, the pictures, screen shots, concept art, and articles themselves belong to third parties, including but not limited to Famitsu Magazine of Japan, and Square Enix co., LTD.
For the most part, they are just basic translations of what the article said, so I'm not taking anyone's write-up. If I know who to give credit to, on anything specific, I most certainly will do so. Also, please keep in mind, my own thoughts will not be Italicized.
Eorzea and Beyond.
The region of Eorzea has three big cities, Rimsa-Rominsa at the sea side, Gridania is in the forest and Uldaha in the desert. There's pirates at the seaside town and Square Enix promise a storyline for each city.
From what I've gathered, Eorzea is just a region in a larger world known as Haiderin. I'm not sure exactly how it will play out, but if I had to guess I would say Eorzea is the "starting area". Well, not as you would think on FFXI terms, but think of it like this. Eorzea is where you start out, it's where most of your leveling is done, it's where most of your exploring in the low to mid levels takes place.
Once you start getting higher level, once you start getting into end game and more complex missions, there will be a bigger world for you to explore. From what I've gathered, it will be extremely large as well. One of the KEY POINTS I've loved about MMORPG's or ANY RPG for that matter, is exploration. I do hope this is finally the MMO that can meet my expectations and desires for such content. I'm thinking that once you start venturing out of Eorzea there will be many new lands and areas to explore, many new missions and hopefully new towns and cities. This would make most sense to me and I'm very excited about seeing if this logic will come true for FFXIV.
It is also mentioned that one day in Haiderin is 1 hour in earth time, just as in FFXI, and that the weather and seasons change as well. Also, the money of the land will indeed be called "Gil" as we know and are accustomed to.
The Races of Eorzea. Complete, or Incomplete?
With this new article came some introductions to rather familiar races that us FFXIers are already accustomed to. Perhaps... Too familiar? As we've been speculating for a long while now it has been almost certain, given the reasons, why Male Mithra would make an appearance in FFXIV. However, in this article they debut the races. The Humes (Hyuran), the Elvaans (Elzen), the Tarutaru (Lalafell), the Galka (Roegadyn) and the Mithra (Miqo'Te). One thing was kind of unsettling though... Not only the lack of no new races, but the presumption that the Mithra and Galka will once again be gender specific races...
For many people, having Male Mithra has been a big deal and begged for, for a very long time. I've gone over most of the reasons in earlier blog posts and on forums. At a business standpoint, there is absolutely everything to gain from adding them and nothing to lose. However, there is plenty to lose from NOT adding them. I don't want FFXIV to have the same rules and same dynamics that FFXI did, and most people do not wish for this either. Having Male Mithra as a more feminine, agile and cunning male race is something that has been in a very high demand for quite some time. Not adding them would be an enormous letdown to the future player base, the FFXI player base and anyone who was looking forward and hoping to have this feature available in FFXIV.
One of the main reasons we don't see Male Mithra in FFXI isn't because they are locked up sex slaves, it's not even because they are rare and mainly stay in their homeland in Vana'diel. No, the reason is because Square Enix designed FFXI and wrote the story for the females to be the only playable part of that race. By not adding them Square Enix will also be giving off a stigma they really shouldn't, a stigma that FFXIV will be all too much like FFXI in some ways. People want change and new possibilities. It's not too late and I hope Square Enix sees this and does add them, as well as at least one more new race. (In my opinion, if there are no girl Galka, the new race should be female only to offset the balance of the male-only Galka race.)
But before you panic, I want to bring your attention to something it says in the article below...
"The Miqo'te is a cat-like race who are fierce hunters. You can seperate them into "Moonkeepers" and "Sunseekers". Not many of them exist in Eorzea, they're quite the minority."
Hmmm... Intersting detail there. Why would there be two clans mentioned and what would be the difference in them? Why even mention two clans? I think this could possibly be a hint, but who knows as of now, I could be completely wrong. However, it is indeed something to consider.
With all that being said, let's move on and read what we know so far, shall we?
Hyuran (Hume)
The Hyuran race will be the standard race of Eorzea. Kind of like in Vana'diel. Furthermore by translating the article says that they've migrated to Eorzea from islands and continents nearby. Also, they brought with them technology and innivation that has raised the civilization of Eorzea to new heights; which you can see from the FFXIV trailer. As for the language and culture among the Hyuran race, there's a lot of variation. Highlanders and Midlanders are the main "classifications". Basically, who migrated into the mountains and the hills.
Elzen (Elvaan)
This race is native from Eorzea. They clashed with the Hyuran after the latter's massive migration. Their auditory ability is noteworthy.
Lalafell (Tarutaru)
This race of farmers is above all settled near the southern sea. The Lalafells may appear to be small but their intelligence is superior to the other races.
Roegadyn (Galka)
Most live in the northern sea on fishing. Some of them are hired as mercenaries or bodyguards by other races, but the other ones prefer to go towards the sea and choose to become pirates.
Miqo'Te (Mithra)
The Miqo'te is a cat-like race who are fierce hunters. You can seperate them into "Moonkeepers" and "Sunseekers". Not many of them exist in Eorzea, they're quite the minority.
Another thing they go into some detail about is the fact that we will have more "customizable characters" meaning we will be able to choose skin tone, height, weight and other things such as that. Also mentioned was that the differences among races are rather minor, but differences between genders will be more important.
In the words of Square Enix themselves:
"When you make your character, aside from choosing the race, you will also be able to customize their appearance. Head, skin color, hair type, etc, there will be multiple factors. Just how exact we will be able to customize their appearance is still unknown, but we mean it in a good way when we say that it seems like it will become a worry to many players"
The Jobs, the System and What We Know So Far.
Well, we already knew FFXIV would have a different job and leveling system than FFXI, how much different we weren't sure, but as of today we know a bit more. Famitsu Magazine, as they have done with this article already, got to ask Square Enix some questions and get some feedback on what they had to say about the job system and how it will work. This is what Square Enix has said so far:
Final Fantasy XIV revolves around character growth. There will be no experience points or leveling system this time around, and a new system will come in to play. Square Enix wants to deliver an experience where new players have the freedom to try out any quest and many different things, growing naturally from their experiences. A deep story will be in tact in Final Fantasy XIV, including cut-scenes, but they're going beyond that by also delivering a wider variety of stories and quests. They want players to enjoy the process of character growth.
Jobs were the lasting appeal of Final Fantasy XI. They want to utilize that concept, but stack more on top of it. The focus will be on weapons, determining how you play, grow, and fight. They'll be expanding upon the basic job system. He says this also explains the Final Fantasy XIV logo, which features weapons sticking out of the name.
The main idea for Final Fantasy XIV is to provide freedom of growth through the variety of quests offered. However, players can meet up with friends and set off on adventure or they can play solo. Players won't be left with nothing to do, bored.
Square Enix is considering large scale battles, however, regular battles will be against single enemies. During quests you can gather parties and fight against multiple foes.
A bit of a contradiction there, or perhaps that's just how I read it? Square Enix said they will be pulling away from the traditional FFXI system of shoot>pull>kill>shoot>pull>kill and give us more variety. They also said at times we will be fighting many enemies at once instead of just one all the time. I suppose this could just depend on where you are and what you are doing, as well as some "lost in translation" errors. Only time will tell.
So now that we know it won't be your traditional grind/exp fest and will keep your interest hooked a bit better, what do we know about the jobs? How they will work? What they will do?
So far they have mentioned 4 different starting jobs (classes for you non-FFXIers) as well as two more in depth categories for those 4. It is also said that these are just mere examples and that there will be many more to actually play.
Fighter: Swordsman, Archer
Magus: Enchanter, Sorcerer
Crafter: Smith, Cook
Gatherer: Gardener, Fisher
How will they play out? Well, what what they have said, it will depend largely on your weapon, but also VERY largely on your armor, and the level of said armor. It is also mentioned you will be able to possibly even change classes out and about, or on the battle field.
Game system is named "Armory System", it depends on character's equipment. To change play style, you need to change equipment parts: this modification is executed in real time.
For example, if you're invited to join a team of warriors to fight the enemies, you only need to wear the corresponding equipment to be ready. Once the party disbanded, you only need to change equipment to come back as a crafter, fisherman, etc.
This freedom will make the solo play easier since a warrior who wants to be cured can change into a healer himself. Thereof the number of inventory's slots is more important than FFXI. The developers thought about an easier way to change equipment.
To get more powerful in each specifications, it is advised to balance out the equipment parts between them. In FFXIV, the equipment's level is essential, even more than the character's level itself. The developers insist once again on the huge freedom of this system wherer change can be made whenever. That's probably why the name of the jobs are more neutral than FFXI. The game's team has deliberately chosen to avoid the usual job class.
They go on to mention something else, that I'm not entirely familiar with, so please pardon me, but it seems they are adding a system to where when you wish to do certain missions and quests you get a "Card". This card seems to be more or less a key to do so and that one card can represent many people. Anyhow, I'm not really sure, this is just what I've gathered so I'll post a article about it.
In FFXIV, guilds delivers licences/permits to players. These illustrated (and beautiful?) cards match with the missions the character has to fulfill. The players will be able to share these permits (having the card or not) and even decide on the number of persons who can participate to the mission.
The game will be irrevelant to the level of each players but some permits can't be obtained before a definite level. These tasks would take 30min~ to be fulfilled, even if some of them will be shorter. Of course, you can carry several permits at the same time.
Passes of "trust" exists that you get from guilds
There's something called a "Leave", it isn't a quest, it's a card
Mixing your own Leaves with other players Leaves is possible
Visiting the Adventurers Guild you can obtain Guild Leaves
Even when your skill is low you can get Leaves
The approx time of completing a Leave is around 30 to 40 minutes
You're able to set who and how many can do a Leave
Even if only one player carries a Leave, other players can join regardless if they
have the Leave or not
Contests of the Leave changes every week
You can carry as many Leave cards as you want
Apperently the Guild Leaves are quite beautiful, designed like tarot cards
FFXIV sports a complex, advanced and interesting guild system. There are so called permits/licenses in the form of illustrated cards that match missions that your character has to complete. You can share these licenses, i.e having the card or not having it and also decide on how many that can be part of a mission.
The level of each player is mostly non-relevent, but some licenses has a certain level requirement. These wont take longer than 40 minutes to complete approx. Oh and you can carry several licenses at the same time.
Some of the goals of the licenses are:
Those missions will have different and various goals: monster hunting, enemies' raid, skill ups... These operations are called "etherites" (?) and will allow you to be instantly teleported to the specified area.
So, it's good to see they are finally venturing away from the up-to-21-strait-hours and normally-4/6-hour-at-a-time time sinks of FFXI. Short, but sweet, to allow you to enjoy the game, have fun, and still have a life afterwords. It will keep thinks more interesting and should allow for less frustration. The fact of teleporting to area's of interest for missions and quests seems like a nice feature as well, although I'm old fashion and like traveling about. I do hope they give us reasons to explore, and venture into new area's. Nothing beats a good old fashion dungeon crawl!
So, a quick summery I'd like to post that was written up on FFXIcore:
Summary from the interview (some of this is known since before)
The difference between the races in FFXIV isnt as big as it is in FFXI
There is a difference between females and males. What exactly is not yet known.
Cities in Eorzea are not all connected through one landmass. So its quite different than how its in FFXI.
The character creation allows you to adjust the skin, eye color, hair color, face and much more
Battles are in real-time, but a lot of focus is on strategy and execution, instead of just pure action
The main system is not to target an enemy and just attack it like in most MMOs on the market.. Much more will play into the fight than just that.
Due to how the Armory System will work out, you'll be able to carry around on tons of stuff, mules anyone?
Character growth is based on your weapon. Use a weapon to increase your power and skills.
Square Enix is working on customization so you can arrange your windows exactly the way you want them
Weapons will lose durability/power when used
Master everything or not - well, Square Enix is still debating if you'll be able to do this or not. Perhaps the same approach used in FFXI will be used here (see-saw approach).
The Guild Leaves include everything from leveling up your skills to hunting monsters.
Leave runs are easy to get to instantly by using a "ethelite".
Rimsa-Rominsa the city by the seaside has pirates
You'll begin your adventure / the game from your home city.
Even if you can only play one hour per day, you'll be able to have a lot of fun
And in closing, I would like to provide a few Relevant links that I highly recommend everyone check out. These links are as follows, and include a array of information and opinions on this very subject.
The Thread on BlueGartr.
The Information Posted on FFXIVcore, As well as here, on FFXIcore.
And of course, the relevant thread on Zam.
I'll probably be doing some editing and adding more info in coming days, so stay tuned, and thanks for reading!
Posted by Endless Journey at 12:42 AM 0 comments